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Environment Friendly Agriculture Series

Let the sick soil healthily reborn

Climate change, limited lands, and over-hundred-years of pesticide development making the soil over fertilized, exhausted, pollution, pesticide remaining, poisoned etc.
Those things impact environment, soil, and agriculture etc…, effecting human health.
Chemical fertilizer: fast growth, competitive, but acidification and weakens the soil.
Organic fertilizer: slow growth, high cost, but eases the soil.
Bio-fertilizer: secret hormones which promote plant growth, but the effect shows late.
According to the three ways of advantages and disadvantages up-mentioned, we choose environment friendly and eat safely. And promote agriculture, sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly, food secure, and balance which able to ease the soil pressure, slow down the development for fragile area, and long-term protection for the nature habitant.
We take natural circulation for our main point. By utilizing recycled organic wastes, modern machines and integration technology, which can speed up transferring organic wastes to organic fertilizer.
Moreover, the technology can improve the soil acidification problem, improve nutrient absorbing, and the probiotic will increase efficiently which is able to resist cold, drought. Therefore, the soil can keep fertile, and increase output and quality.
With our patient and motivation, the goal is making animals and plants can be metabolize in nature or rapidly decompose. After decomposing or metabolizing, the organic fertilizer will combine with soil, and not only the plants are able to absorb the nutrient, but also reborn which achieve recycling idea as well.



  • 面對化肥的選擇:生長快速、有競爭力,但酸化弱化土壤。
  • 面對有機肥的選擇:生長較慢、成本較高,但可緩解土壤。
  • 面對生物肥的選擇:能分泌促進植物生長的荷爾蒙,但肥效慢。






  1. 危險廢棄物,對於人體健康和環境造成危害,且有危險。國家依等級分類造冊處理,例如強酸、輻射物…等。
  2. 一般廢棄物,指危險廢棄物以外的廢棄物,例如紙張、廚餘…等。


  1. 氣態廢棄物,例如工廠煙塵、汽車排氣污染。
  2. 液態廢棄物,例如生活污水、工業廢水、有機溶劑…等
  3. 固態廢棄物,例如垃圾、城市垃圾、渣土、包裝材…等

按組成分分為: 有機廢棄物、無機廢棄物

  1. 生活廢棄物: 即人類生活活動所生產的所有廢棄物。處理責任單位分為二種:
    - 是各地鄉鎮市公所統一進行收集、貯存、運輸和處置。
    - 是民間環保回收處理者。責任單位都會先分類: 廢紙、廢塑膠、廢金屬(含鐵、銅、鋁)、廢木材、廢玻璃、廢廚餘…等可再利用回資源回收。
  2. 工業廢棄物: 配合人類生活各種產業所產生的廢棄物,例如在工業生產中產生的廢渣、粉塵、廢屑、汙泥、鋼渣、煤灰、爐渣、建築廢渣、紡織廢渣、水處理污泥…等。均屬工業廢棄物,這麼多的廢棄物大多以焚燒或掩埋解決,但國外一直把廢棄物視為是一種資源,世界各國政府都以獎勵補助方法希望提升再使用率,盡早結束先經濟先汙染再整合的落後觀念。而更應去做的是企業,讓企業介入,真正做到廢棄物物流的產業化、減量化、無害化和資源化。

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